Saturday, 31 March 2012

Basic constructions

Hello students, in this session we are going to learn about the Basic Constructions in geometry. In mathematics the geometry help plays a very important role because in this we teaches how to make shapes, figures, lines and angles. A construction in geometry is the skill by which we can able to draw the many types of figures. All constructions will be completed only by the use of ruler and compass as instruments. In every construction we are expected to write down the essential steps of constructions.
Note: - Never draw freehand when doing constructions. (Also refer algebra equation solver to improve your skills)
The list of the basic constructions in geometry is: -
-Copy a line segment.
-Copy an angle.
-Bisect a line segment.
-bisect an angle.
-Construct parallel lines, perpendicular lines and many more.
Mainly we include line, circle and triangle constructions in the geometry constructions.
Line construction is the basic construction for the all figures in geometry. By joining the line we can construct the many figures. And for making the straight line we use ruler and pencil.
Circle construction can be form by using the two ways that are diameter and radius. For making the circle we should have either diameter or radius of the circle. The following steps for constructing the circle: -
Step 1: - Set the compass with the ruler according to required radius.
Step 2: - Then set up the compass' end point on the paper.
Step 3: - Now put the end of the pencil on paper.
Step 4: - Revolve the end of pencil in any direction until we meet the starting point.
Triangle is constructed using ruler, compass and protractor.
Grade XII students can learn basic geometry constructions using the above information.

In upcoming posts we will discuss about circles and Probability and Statistics. Visit our website for information on CBSE 11 physics book

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