Thursday, 3 May 2012


Hi friends, today in free math answers session I am going to tell you about the transformations of coordinates in which translation is one of the process of transformation that is used for change the shape or size or orientation of the given figure but first of all we have to know about the meaning of transformation that is defined as in terms of the definition of transformation that it is the way of changing the shape or appearance of the figure that is given.So when we talk about the translation that is also the part of the transformation is defined as follows:
Translations is one more method of transformation in which thing or figure that is given for transforming will only move without rotation or resizing .If we translate the thing that means all point of the figure will be on same distance and in same direction when we move a thing on its own place then it will not change its position and size .Translation transformation process is that all the points of an object will move only in a straight line and also the direction of moving is same that means the shape or size and also orientation of the object are same as the original object or thing .If we talk about the same orientation that means object and image of object are facing the same direction .
If we want to understand the translation in simple words then it will be defined as thing or object will move from one location to new location without any changes in the shape, size and orientation. If we talk about the translations in geometry it is simply define as the figure slide somewhere else means location of the figure will change only but during the movement do not change the figure in any other way means do not resize and rotate or flip it over.

In upcoming posts we will discuss about perpendicular lines/planes and Probability and Statistics in Grade XI. Visit our website for information on Andhra Pradesh school textbooks online

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